Huge False Claims Act settlements abound in 2018

Huge False Claims Act settlements abound in 2018

Just since February 2018—a mere six months—there have been numerous multi-million dollar False Claims Act settlements by healthcare providers across the country.

MedCom Solutions has patented tools that can help reduce the likelihood of these costly settlements and the violations that cause them, and you can read more about them at the bottom of the page. In the meantime, here are…

5 multi-million False Claims Act settlements from 2018

– A New York long-term care provider agreed to pay $10.3M to resolve allegations of false Medicaid billing.

– A multi-state hospice operator agreed to pay $8.5M to settle allegations that it retained overpayments that were not eligible for the Medicare hospice benefit.

– A Kentucky-based operator of 116 skilled nursing facilities across the country has agreed to pay over $30M to settle False Claims Act allegations.

– A Cincinnati-based 23-hospital system agreed to pay over $14M to resolve allegations that they violated the False Claims Act

– A 28-hospital system based in Phoenix agreed to pay over $18M to resolve allegations that 12 of its hospitals in Arizona and Colorado submitted false claims to Medicare.

Stay compliant with MedCom Solutions

MedCom Solutions designs groundbreaking software that improves the processing of medical billing record information and ensures compliance. Failure to refund invoices paid by Medicare for the outpatient portion of a patient’s encounter under the 3 Day Window can result in a federal false claims act liability under 31 U.S.C. § 3729 (a) (1).

MedCom Solutions DRG Window Auditor™ uncovers 3 Day Window overpayments by auditing the providers’ 835 Remittance Advice. This software can be used as a reasonable diligence effort to identify potential overpayments by way of Medicare’s 3 Day Rule.

To learn more, check out our solutions, visit our homepage or contact us today!

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