Why You Should Be Using CDM Management Software

Why You Should Be Using CDM Management Software

Many people think that CDM software solutions are luxuries afforded only to large health systems with excess resources and multiple CDM files to maintain. However, we have found the users that get the most value for their business are smaller hospitals with more work than hands to complete it. Here are some of the misconceptions these smaller hospitals had before deploying suitable CDM management software.

CDM software is cost-prohibitive

Firsthand experience tells us that not having software in place (which includes checks and balances in place on codes, prices, and staff education on usage) leads to more significant revenue losses downstream. Plus, not all CDM software solutions come with a high price tag. CMNavigator® SaaS is an affordable choice.

It is not necessary if we only have one CDM or have a small CDM

CDM chargemaster size does not necessarily dictate the need for management software. Large or small, the listing of codes required for accurate billing needs to be maintained well. A small CDM may also indicate a risk of revenue leakage. Chargeable services or items may be absent from the data file. In addition, when the CDM is smaller, there tends to be less time dedicated to its support. When there is no team devoted to CDM management, the software management tool becomes even more helpful. In many cases, it acts as a “virtual assistant” to the CDM manager for a mere fraction of the cost.

We already have a good system in place outside of software. Why should we uproot that and spend time and resources implementing a CDM software solution?

A “good system in place” is probably “good” but not great. Without a systematic workflow, there will still be items falling through the cracks that cause downstream impacts (denials noted in the billing office) the upstream team (CDM team) misses. Additionally, the implementation of a cloud-based CDM software solution like CMNavigator® SaaS is so seamless that it typically requires less than 10 hours from your IT department. CMNavigator® SaaS is also extremely intuitive. Most user training sessions take only one hour.

If you believe your hospital is short-staffed and do not have a CMNavigator tool in place, we recommend exploring an affordable, user-friendly, and reliable solution. A good solution can automate the process to free up staff’s time from handling routine tasks to higher-level assignment, improve charge capture, and increase the bottom-line.

If you believe your hospital is short-staffed and does not have a CMNavigator tool in place, we recommend exploring an affordable, user-friendly, and reliable solution. A good solution can automate the process to free up staff’s time from handling routine tasks to higher-level assignments, improve charge capture, and increase the bottom line.

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MedCom Solutions provides a unique combination of clinical expertise and proprietary technology to help medical service providers meet rapidly escalating and changing medical billing demands.

Our Chargemaster, Pricing, and Compliance solutions have yielded hundreds of millions in net revenue for healthcare providers across the country.

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