Telehealth: the Last Great Hope for Ailing Hospitals?

Telehealth: the Last Great Hope for Ailing Hospitals?

Telehealth — the practice of providing healthcare remotely — is becoming more prevalent.

Hospitals that struggle to generate the majority of their revenue from high patient volume have been able to expand their geographic reach and meet the needs of new patient populations without the expense of building or leasing facilities.

Academic hospitals have used telehealth to enhance their resident training programs.

Health systems with a limited number of specialists have used telehealth to better leverage the specialists they do have — making more from each specialist as they become more and more efficient. This tactic has proven especially valuable in high-growth practice areas like behavioral health and dermatology.

Hospitals are incorporating telehealth into their employee wellness programs. One hospital saw savings of more than $900,000 in treatment costs immediately after telehealth utilization.

Is Telehealth right for your facility?

Telehealth isn’t a panacea. Some hospitals, as they are currently structured, can only benefit from telehealth in a very limited matter. Others hospitals’ circumstances mean they could see instant and profound impact by incorporating telehealth.

Several obvious questions need to be answered before your organization gets started. This will get the juices flowing.

– What are your top strategic priorities — how does telehealth fit in?

– What patient population are you currently serving? What are their telemedicine needs?

– Would telehealth improve their outcomes, reduce your costs and improve the efficiency of your clinicians?

If your organization is looking to expand into a new geographic region and/or expand your patient population, ask the same questions about prospective patients.

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